Um Filmshúsið

Filmshúsið skal vera ein savnandi depil og røkja uppgávur, sum birta upp undir film sum vinnu, íroknað:

Ráðgeva og leiðbeina føroyskum filmsfólkum og verða savningarstaður fyri føroyska filmsumhvørvið.

Marknaðarføra føroyskan film uttanlands, marknaðarføra Føroya sum filmsland og veita ráðgeving í sambandi við filmsframleiðslur.

Virka fyri at hækka førleikastøðið innan filsframleiðslu í Føroyum. 

Leiðslan av Filmhúsinum er hjá stýrinum, sum landsstýrismaðurin hevur tilnevnt. Í stýrinum sita:

Jan Berg Jørgensen, formaður

Marjun Niclasen

Jón Hammer

About the Faroese Film Institute

The Faroese Film Institute is to be a centre that brings together and attends to tasks, which encourage the Faroese film industry. Such tasks include:

To advise and consult Faroese filmmakers, as well as to function as a collective centre for the Faroese film environment.
To market the Faroese film industry abroad, to market the Faroe Islands as a filming location, and to provide advise in connection to film production.
Work to advance the level of quality in Faroese film production.

The management of the Faroese Film Institute resides with the board, appointed by the Minister. The members of the board are:

Jan Berg Jørgensen, chairman
Marjun Niclasen
Jón Hammer

Lógtingslóg um filmshús

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